Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7: Clean Up, Clean Up!

The girls and I know that Daddy doesn't dig a messy room...I mean, really who does? But when he's away it gets a little out of control. The girls are insane, I'll help them clean the room before bed and the next morning before I wake up the room will be destroyed again. So here you go Daddy, I can't promise it will be clean at 7:30 am tomorrow, but when you get home at midnight it will be :) We tried...and we are very excited for you to come home!


  1. You can do one layout a week, I have faith in you! lol (It's me I'm not so sure about, but we're off to a good start!)

  2. I am right there with you on the girls' room:)
    Cute pic & what a memory!!!
